The Band. The Myth. The Legend.

CNN writer Holly Thomas shares a summary of Queen’s performance at the famous Live Aid charity concert, but also tells of her love for and experience with the band. Due to a recent resurgence of love for Queen after the movie β€œBohemian Rhapsody,” life long fans are reminiscing on one of the most famous performances […]

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Screen Time

In the CNN article by Kara Alaimo, screen time is discussed. She talks about the impact increased screen time has on children, and the raised number of children with their own smartphones, and the constant use of social media by the majority of teens. Other negative affects also include stress and cyberbullying, which have had […]

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Race Horses

The Press-Enterprise shares the concerns with the injuries happening with race horses and what that means for the sport. Kevin Modesti explains the rise in injuries recently and the way that has raised the number of horses being euthanized. He goes on to explain the feelings people and fans have about the treatment and injuries […]

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Our Wall

Bowden writes not only about a variety of walls that have existed, and still exist, discussing whether they were or were not effective. He writes to give insight to the ways almost all walls have a way around them and just end up creating more issues, he wants to get people to truly think about […]

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Women’s Brains Analysis

Stephen J. Gould writes in order to disprove the information shared and spread by Broca. Gould did not believe what Broca was spreading, that since women have smaller heads, it must mean their brains are smaller, therefore meaning they are less smart. Out of disbelief, this essay is written to refute these false facts, and […]

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About Men Analysis

In Gretel Ehrlich’s essay she writes to dismiss many of the stereotypes male ranchers often get, and tells of who they truly are. She describes the heart behind their work and the manner in which they carry themselves, and contrasts it to the version of them depicted in ads. The overall purpose of this writing […]

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