Social Media Is Not As Bad As It Seems

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

Social media may seem like it is all bad, but contrary to popular belief it can be quite beneficial.

“The power of social media is that it forces necessary change.” -Erik Qualman

With the use of social media on the rise, especially with teens there are all kinds of questions regarding the impact it is having. Although there are bad things like cyber bullyingΒ on different media platforms there are also many good things that come out of it. Social media allows important issues to be widely known and discussed, real life events to be easily captured and seen, unlikely friendships to be established and others to be strengthened, and positivity to be spread.

Today more than ever people of all ages are very exposed to important issue that are going on and it is much easier to see many sides to these issues, as well as being able to voice opinions and take action has been made much easier thanks to things like Instagram and Twitter.With technology and apps like Snapchat, real footage and images of important things are more easily accessible and allow for events to be captured and posted in real time, so driving in a car can be seeing an inauguration or speech happening across the country with only a few taps on a screen.Β 

Many apps can also help friendships, unlike years ago it is now easier than ever to connect better with the people you already know, as well as with people you may have never known before through social media. Whether it’s through common interest of a friends post, people from all walks of life can be connected instantly through social media. This would never have been possible if it were not for the invention of many apps that can allow easy connections for friendships, and even relationships.

Although social media is often thought of in the opposite manner, people can really life each other up through media. Whether it’s nice comments on a picture, or messaging people to support them and be there for them, people are able to build others up in ways they could never before through technology. Supporting someones dreams, or letting them know they are not alone in what they are going through can have a really positive impact on the lives of many.Β 

Yes, there will always be bad in all things, and sadly there is a lot of bad in social media, there is also much good. Whether it is hateful comments or rude posts, social media can be used in bad ways, but it can also has many beneficial aspects that make it worth while. For example, there are often rude comments on posts, and people often make fun of people’s weight or appearance, but people have stood up to these rude comments and now there is much more body positivity and love on the internet to help make people feel more confident and to over power the bad. Thanks to social media people can also warn of the bad things, and even help to prevent or stand up through them using social media, helping outweighΒ the bad and even make a change and make the world a better place.

There is so much good that can come through the power of social media, and it has brought about much great change. Like most things in life there will always be bad, but it is important to look on the bright side, and even find ways to prevent or get rid of the bad. Even when there are rude things online it can also help people to realize that it does not matter what others think of you, helping people to learn important life lessons at younger ages and be confident in themselves no matter what others say.


4 thoughts on “Social Media Is Not As Bad As It Seems

  1. I like what you said about social media being used to spread ideas and issues. These days most people find out news by looking on media platforms such as Instagram or Twitter. Social media can be used for a lot of good, if done right.


  2. Although social media may have a bead reputation, I agree that it does have benefits. The fact that we’re able to communicate and stay in contact with those we don’t see everyday, is amazing. We’re able to stay connected to our loved ones despite any distance.


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