Women’s Brains Analysis

Stephen J. Gould writes in order to disprove the information shared and spread by Broca. Gould did not believe what Broca was spreading, that since women have smaller heads, it must mean their brains are smaller, therefore meaning they are less smart. Out of disbelief, this essay is written to refute these false facts, and give scientific information as to why men are not smarter just because of the size of their head. The overall idea of the writing is why Broca was false and a multitude of facts to go against the commonly held fallacy.

In the essay, the appeal to logos is used throughout to give scientific evidence to prove Broca wrong. To help make the refutation more credible a number of scientists within Broca’s research are quoted, and then the author explains their sexist feelings behind the “results” or why the study is not credible.Β  Gould writes “one of Broca’s disciples wrote in 1881: “Men of the black races have a brain scarcely heavier than that of white women.” This juxtaposition extended into many other realms of anthropological argument, particularly to claims that, anatomically and emotionally, both women,” he not only gives exactly what the follower of Broca says, but the context things like this are often used in. Giving factual evidence for where the wrong ideas of Broca were coming from and a direct quote help make the writing factual and logical, aiding in the appeal to logos.

I agree with Gould that women are not less intelligent just because their brains are smaller. Throughout history men always believed they were superior and any evidence they thought supported their claim spread like wild fire. In this instance it is pretty easily to prove this wrong especially in modern times because women have much more respect. I agree with Gould because just the other day at school there was an honor roll assembly, and most of the groups had a majority of girls, showing that just because women have smaller brains they can still be as smart, or even smarter than boys.

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