Race Horses

brown horse on field
Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com

The Press-Enterprise shares the concerns with the injuries happening with race horses and what that means for the sport. Kevin Modesti explains the rise in injuries recently and the way that has raised the number of horses being euthanized. He goes on to explain the feelings people and fans have about the treatment and injuries of the horses, but also mentions how the thoroughbreds are better off as race horses because of the great care and attention they are receiving. He explains people’s love for racing as a result of humans love for having control over nature in the way the horses are bred and trained. He questions whether it is a beautiful or evil thing but closes explaining the tough spot the sport is in.

The author, Modesti, feels conflicted over the injuries, but still loves the sport. He conveys this through the use of rhetorical questions in the article like, β€œIs that evil, humans exploiting animals? Or sweet, humans and animals working together?” His opinion shines through in him constantly going back to the love of the sport and the way that the horses are treated well and doing much better than they would without the sport, but also considers the life-threatening injuries that have been on the rise in the horses. The writing closes out with his hope that racing will continue after describing the explanation behind the injuries.

I agree with the author, although many injuries are being sustained, overall the horses are living great lives being treated better than some people. I feel that the sport should slow down until they can get a handle on the cause of the injuries and help to lower the number of horses with broken bones and other injuries. I know people that ride and that is their lives, so taking that away would not only put a great number of people out of jobs, but it would also leave a bunch of horses possibly to be put down or put into overcrowded holding areas.Β 

Press Enterprise Article by Kevin Modesti:


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